Data Scientists Have the Best Jobs: Why Work in Data Science

“Data Scientist Jobs” online searches generate lists of job opportunities in the field. Even without a background in data science, students are being able to build and scan their prospects early on in their academic journey and study materials.

Data science has been dubbed as the most appealing job of this century. Many businesses replaced old job titles with “data scientists” and companies in the fields of engineering, statistics, finance, research, healthcare, and e-commerce are taking interest in recruiting them now more than ever.

Data Scientist Jobs in High Demand

Data scientists, whether fresh grads or working professionals, are in high demand for their skills is fueled by big data and AI. A qualified data scientist is immediately recruited if he/she excels in interdisciplinary skills. If they have a strong knowledge and practical experience in computing, mathematics, statistics, and business oriented topics as a bonus, it will allow them to work in the domain at any given field and the advantage of working with technology without beeing bound to one industry; giving them a freedom to work with any profession.

Data Scientist Lucrative Pay Jobs

The scarcity of profiles currently formed, combined with the strategic nature of these new business profiles is driving up wages. Big Data engineers and data scientists can earn, at the start of their career, between 40,000 and 55,000 euros annually, well above the average remuneration of engineers leaving school (around 35,000 euros): big salaries with big opportunities in the horizon.

Different Roles and Job Positions

Data Science is a very versatile field; however, there are very few people who have the required skill-set which makes the market less saturated as compared with other IT sectors. Job such as data engineers, database managers, technical recruiters, security engineers, and so many more are also becoming more in demand as a set of responsabilities for each is being established.

How a Master’s Degree Can Fasten the Process

A Master’s degree in Computer Science, Big Data and Connected Objects or even Computational Mechanics and Modelling make the foundations of Data Science, especially with strategic thinking, management, and real-world complex applications in projects. In addition to what was mentioned, students learn Cloud computing and high performance computer architecture, Company information system and applications, Intelligent and communicative objects, as well as Business Intelligence, where they solve complex data-driven and problems relevant to either industry. Upon completing these projects, students will have a portfolio that strengthens their Data Science skills to potential employers.

For students who want to make themselves more indispensable to their employers while gaining a competitive advantage in the market, a Master’s degree is a considerable investment in the future.

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