What To Expect From Generation Z In The Engineering Industry?

Born between 1997 and 2010, people from Generation Z grew up along with the digital era and are defined by a strong knowledge of new technologies and concerns about the environment. With the oldest of them now ready to enter the working life, what to expect of them regarding the Engineering Industry?

Generation Z is largely known to be attracted to workplaces that put the emphasis on their employee’s well-being, and that are environmental-friendly. They need structure, but also the freedom to innovate.

Generation Z’s Values: What Are They Looking For In A Workplace?

Students from EMLV’s Master Digital RH of the Pole Léonard de Vinci recently led a study to determine Generation Z’s expectations. The study was made among students between 20 and 25 years old. According to the study, the professional values that are the most important for this generation are the following:

  • Team Spirit (66%)
  • Innovation (53%)
  • Discipline and equality (52%)

Recently graduated students are looking for a certain closeness with their team and the freedom to innovate in their workplace. A characteristic that fits the Engineering Industry perfectly.

Overall, Generation Z is a highly social generation that needs fairness and equity in the workplace. It is therefore important for employers to set rules regarding tolerance to establish a trusting relationship with those young workers.

Generation Z also needs professionalism and structure, which contrasts with Millenials’ needs. This younger generation pays attention to details and has a very analytical approach. Finally, they need space to innovate, even if females tend to prefer stability while males are more inclined to take risks.

Digitalisation plays a huge factor for Generation Z when it comes to choosing a company to work at. 70% of them consider themselves as part of this digital revolution, and 63% of them want digital to be at the core of their missions.

What Is Generation Z’s Opinion On Remote Work?

During the Covid-19 crisis, most workers and students had to do remote work. If the Engineering Industry was already used to this method, how did Generation Z, the most connected generation, reacted to it?

According to the study led by students from EMLV’s Master Digital RH of the Pole Léonard de Vinci during the pandemic, Generation Z mostly enjoys remote work, as long as it’s occasional.

  • 45% of the sample already did remote work before the quarantine
  • 60% would like remote work to be occasional

Indeed, Generation Z fears that remote work benefits more to the personal life that professional life. This generation needs structure, and they find it difficult to be effective while working at home. The sample also fears to lose relationships with their colleagues and thinks remote work makes working in a team more difficult. Isolation is their biggest concern.

However, 100% of the sample appreciates not having to waste time in the transports. 97% of them also like having more schedule flexibility. 78% of them think remote work to benefits disabled people, and 78% think it’s stress-reducing to working from home.

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Categories: International
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