What Engineers Like Best About Their Jobs

Making an impact, earning a good salary, using innovative technologies, and unleashing creativity; what’s not to like about a career in engineering? Looking from an eagle viewpoint, we notice that there really aren’t that many careers that offer such a satisfactory feeling and challenge both the brain and the instinct. Just think, a job where no day is exactly like another, where you work as a part of a team to make a difference in the world.

So how good is a career in engineering? Here’s what we believe are the reasons engineers simply love what they do!

A Huge Range of Career Options

A career in engineering means endless prospects. From renewable energy, cyber security, manufacturing, financial engineering, to tackling current issues such as global warming, the prospects are equally boundless as they are unique.

Engineering skills are readily transferable from one industry to another.

The flexibility in choosing a career in engineering that aligns with your values and skillset already guarantees the ultimate job satisfaction, as you get to tackle real problems and find the best solutions. No matter the specialty, and whether you’re a fresh grad or a professional in the field, your job will always demand creativity and logical thinking. And even if you’re on the operational or managerial side, the world is constantly changing and evolving, which perfectly reflects the growth in engineering itself, where every working day is different than the one before.

ESILV is the only engineering school in France to include a true transversal approach throughout its masters’ programmes  with major specializations that are continuously adapted to the ever-changing economic trends and that ensure that students are taught the latest, most up-to-date skills and knowledge. 

A Comfortable and Growing Salary

A career in engineering requires a pretty unique set of skills. So it’s only right that it comes with a competitive salary. Engineering school graduates with an engineering degree and particularly a master’s degree earn at least 20% more than the average graduate salary.

Not only that, but taking it one step backward,  it’s not surprising that engineers are some of the most sought-after people for a diverse range of jobs given the wide spectrum of professional competencies they have, which ultimately translates into higher employability and excellent opportunities for career development. The comfort of knowing that with hard work and perseverance, makes the industry even more appealing and secure to soon-to-be graduates.

Engineers Make a Real Difference

A career where you can make such a direct impact on the world is a career you definitely want to pursue. It’s probably one of the main reasons engineering students fall in love with it even before graduating, especially if they start a hands-on experience during their studies and begin developing projects that answer today’s issues and problems. It can be as simple as helping build financial software that protects data and secures investment, or helping develop energy-efficient homes and life-saving medical equipment;  the opportunities to make a positive change can’t be missed.

Moreover, making a difference requires a global mindset and an understanding of how different economies, cultures, markets, and technologies around the world operate, and that can only be done by exploring the world. And who doesn’t love that? You can even travel the world with a career in engineering because related industries are global industries, spanning across the map, with projects beginning at a small scale and growing all over the world. From meeting clients to investigating fieldwork, it’s never boring. An added bonus to why engineers love their job.

It’s Always Challenging

Engineers are bombarded with problem-solving during their school years, academically and during their projects, and being challenged later on at work will only motivate them further. Dull routines are what lose their interest in their jobs. It goes without saying that the challenging part is not always solo. Creating the best solutions to complex problems also requires collaboration and one heck of a team effort on so many levels: peers, clients, suppliers, and other departments. So teamwork is a key ingredient of a successful career in engineering and even adds a bit of spice to the whole industry.

What are you most excited about in your career as a brilliant engineer?

Categories: Professionnal
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