Top Hiring Skills Recruiters Look for in Engineering Grads

There’s a big difference between being seen as a highly qualified engineering graduate vs skilled professional. The job search can seem particularly difficult and engineering grads might find the market competition to be very overwhelming despite successful internships and projects they’ve completed during their studies.

It might be challenging to predict what would grab a recruiter’s attention in the field of engineering. So what hiring skills are employers looking for?

Modern Engineering and Soft Skills

Today’s engineering jobs call for more than just technical proficiency. Recruiters frequently seek candidates with a mix of technical proficiency and soft competencies. A successful engineering job requires more than just technical proficiency because engineers must also be able to work well in a team, think critically, and exhibit a strong work ethic. In the eyes of hiring managers. These soft skills will set engineering grads apart from one another.

Depending on the position, organization, or sector, different jobs will have different needs for hard and soft skills. However, developing these soft skills aforementioned can be more challenging than honing technical skill sets.

Most In-Demand Technical Skills for Engineers

Technical skills will continue to be the primary skill set that employers consider when evaluating individuals. They want to be sure that engineering grads possess the right primary training, credentials, and basic experience needed for the position. Some of these skills include manufacturing and quality control knowledge, robotics, basic accounting, and finance, as well as basic project management.

Additionally, recruiters want to know if engineers are able and motivated to continue their education and stay current on industry trends in order to advance the technical abilities they already possess. Even though employers prefer well-rounded engineers, highly technical professions will place a greater focus on staying up-to-date with technology.

What About Personality Traits

Whether it’s ambition, responsibility, or creativity, employers are attracted to these traits right away, particularly in a serious and sometimes rigid sector like engineering. Having a genuine interest and drive to enhance the career by being honest and expressing a willingness to gain new abilities can help land any job. Additional traits that stand out are the willingness to advance knowledge and experience, and the capacity to take the initiative and lead for oneself and the team.

How to Develop these Skills?

Investing time and effort in attending conferences, building personal projects, doing internships, and working with different team dynamics, will help develop not only a strong resume and portfolio but boost the readiness for a successful engineering profession.

By exploring these steps, engineering grads will gain confidence in in their decision to pursue any career in engineering.

The “Titre d’ingénieur” (national master’s degree in engineering) Authorisation of ESILV by CTI: ESILV has been authorized, since 2003, by the French engineering accreditation institution (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur) to issue the title of qualified engineer graduated of Léonard de Vinci School of Engineers. This authorization has been renewed, in 2019, for a duration of 6 years.

Categories: Student Life
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