Things Only Developers Can Relate To

Though there are hundreds and thousands of articles related to productivity tips, web glossary lists, and creativity techniques that promise to help students learn and work better, the whole purpose of this article is quite the opposite.

Whoever is reading this is probably a young engineer or developer who just had a long day or a very rough “nuit blanche”. So for anyone looking for a 5 minute break, this humorous post is perfect for a quick laugh amongst peers. Here are some funny things only developers can relate to and laugh at!

When Things Go Wrong

This situation comes with many scenarios. Developers can definitely remember some of them as such:

“I don’t know whether to delete this or rewrite it”

The dilemma between “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” or “I should be a professional and figure out the root of the problem”. This is a struggle young engineering students and developers face quite often.

“One script, so many libraries!”

Speaking the tough languages of Java and C++ comes with its frustrations, especially with the amount of libraries that can become quite complicated the further a project develops. The overwhelming amount of clutter can become overwhelming for most, but hey! It works just fine.

“Should I just Google it?”

A very common reaction to any coding problem is to check with our best friend the Internet. Luckily, there are plenty of forums and online communities that offer support and try to help developers solve their issues. This not only builds a strong engineering community but also allows the students to analyze within a group instead of looking for an easy way out. As tempting as it may be, a lot of keywords may not be found online, which means it’s not always as easy as it appears.

“Have I been doing this wrong this whole time?”

Self-doubt. Unfortunately, and funny enough, it ends up being right? Right?

There have been a lots of occurrences where students started a project and ran into trouble, midway. The more they read about it the more they realize that they’ve been doing it wrong and their initial method is defected. Basically it would be way easier for them to just start over.

“I have no idea what this means!”

This is perfectly normal: looking at a source code with absolutely no idea what to do with it or what it even does. Many times, this can be related to handling someone else’s after them or even one’s very own. It ends up making a rough decision on whether to spend time on it or search for an alternative approach.

Developers Love To Hate

Small talk and interruptions

Fun fact, developers don’t just wear headphones for their insane love and passion for music. To be perfectly blunt, it’s all about shutting out distractions, interruptions, and small talks. Headphones are polite abbreviations for “Shut up, I’m coding”, unless they’re working in teams of course.

When everything is a priority

Multitasking is not an option. Ranking tasks and projects by urgency is essential for developers since they believe that individuals working is such a complex setting can work on multiple things simultaneously, but they don’t have to. So of them work in an atmosphere where every task is top priority.


Unnecessary and can be easily replaced with e-mails. Too many meetings or inefficiently run meetings are just as detrimental to productivity as the interruptions mentioned on top. The meeting that could have taken 10 minutes, but took an hour; the meeting without a clear objective, or the emotional pep talk that was way over the top to boost the morale.

No company situation is perfect, both for students and expert developers, but there’s always a way to turn a troublesome situation into a funny joke to lighten up the mood!

What can be added to the list?

This post was last modified on 21 May 2019 2:23 pm

Categories: Student Life
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