Sustainability and Innovation: A Core Focus of MSc Innovation & Creative Technology

In the modern era, engineers hold a great deal of power to shape the future of the world we live in. With every blueprint designed, every code written, and every innovation brought to life, they leave an indelible mark on society. This is precisely why sustainability should be at the forefront of every engineer’s mind. By integrating it into their work, they can lead the charge in addressing pressing global challenges.

The MSc Innovation & Creative Technology program instills this sense of responsibility, ensuring that graduates not only excel in their technical prowess but also emerge as champions of sustainable innovation, ready to make a meaningful difference in the world.

How is ESiLV’s MSc Innovation & Creative Technology Different?

At ESiLV, the MSc Innovation & Creative Technology program doesn’t just prepare students for the jobs of tomorrow; it equips them to be the leaders and innovators of a sustainable future. It’s a commitment to nurturing talents who will go out into the world and make a difference, not just in terms of technological advancements, but in terms of creating a world that is sustainable, equitable, and resilient.

Unleash innovation by crafting cutting-edge products and pioneering novel applications, all grounded in the latest technological breakthroughs and scientific insights.

This unique program is meticulously crafted for students with a background in engineering or design, aiming to bridge the existing gap between research, innovation, and manufacturing in a transdisciplinary environment. It’s more than just a degree; it’s a journey towards mastering the art of sustainable innovation.

About the Curriculum

Inspired by the MIT Media Lab’s leitmotiv “Demo or Die”, it pushes students towards maintaining an operational project demonstration throughout their tenure. This hands-on approach ensures that learning is not confined to the theoretical realms of the classroom. Students engage in a continuous cycle of creating, demonstrating, and iterating, guided by agile methodologies. This dynamic and motivational work environment fosters not just the acquisition of hard skills, but also the development of autonomy and critical abilities.

How Will Students Leverage This Degree?

Students are taught to question the status quo, think beyond the immediate, and look at the long-term impact of their innovations on the environment. Each student becomes an integral part of an innovative group, led by a Principal Investigator who provides daily guidance and support. This structure ensures that students are not just learning from their professors, but also from their peers, fostering a collaborative and inclusive learning environment.

In addition, they will be equipped with a robust foundation in sustainable innovation and practical experience. Graduates of the MSc Innovation & Creative Technology program will make significant impacts in their respective workplaces. The program’s emphasis on transdisciplinary learning ensures that they are not just adept at navigating complex engineering and design challenges, but are also flexible and responsive to the ever-evolving demands of the modern workplace.

Whether it’s leading groundbreaking projects, developing sustainable technologies, or advocating for responsible practices within their organizations, graduates of this program are well-prepared to be at the forefront of the sustainable innovation movement, making tangible contributions towards a more sustainable future.

Sustainability is woven into the fabric of this MSc, encouraging you to innovate with a conscience! Ready to take on the challenge?

Categories: Programmes
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