Robotics and AI: Replacing Humans or Creating More Job Opportunities?

According to Forbes Magazine, in 2025, machines are expected to perform more current work tasks than humans compared to 71% being performed by humans as of now. However, does this mean that that robotics and AI will displace or create the jobs of the future?

The concepts of robotics and AI are nothing new  and machines have been involved in the workforce ever since the Industrial Revolution. It began with agriculture and moved to mass manufacturing in recent years. Some argue that they are replacing humans, but here are 4 reasons how AI will in fact create more jobs than it might take.

AI and robotics in sales and marketing

Many digital martketing tools nowadays are using AI to develop insights that can help businesses in recruiting the right sales teams for their companies as well as gathering detailed data to correctly target customers. The job opportunities will be divided into the teams that are creating and maintaining these tools as well as the members utilizing them in their sales strategies, which leads us to the following point.

Facilitating job roles

The AI-based environments will help employees work better without compromising on security, privacy, data control, and compliance. A basic example would be virtual assistants that will improve the quality and efficiency of the work being done. Digital assistants such as the Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa, and Bixby are getting smarter by the year but they work for the purpose of enhancing people’s performance and daily life tasks.

The gaming industry

The gaming industry is one area where AI applications are immense. Right from game design and development to in-game operations and maintenance, AI plays a very important role that has been taking gaming companies to the next level. With virtual reality games becoming highly popular, companies are more and more investing a lot of money on AI-based systems. Which is why AI developer jobs in gaming will be in high demand, like rendering programmers, AI and robotics programmers, AI code content developer, gameplay engineer, and so many others.

Job creation in cybersecurity

As the global economy is increasingly digitized and automated, several criminal enterprises, hackers, and malwares will grow exponentially, requiring developers, testers, and security experts to mitigate threats to vital public infrastructure and meet increasing individual identity concerns. In the past few years there has been a huge increase in cybersecurity job postings, many of which remain unfilled. With this shortage of cybersecurity professionals, most security teams have less time to proactively defend against increasingly sophisticated threats. This demand has created a crucial niche for workers to fill.

How to prepare for these jobs?

For students who want to make themselves more indispensable to their employers while gaining a competitive advantage in the market, becoming more competitive and irreplaceable is essential, and it all begins with the right formation and academic education.

Master’s degrees such as Computational Mechanics and Modelling are seeked by future developers and data engineers since the programmes have multiple axes that are based on AI and robotics based projects like numerical modelling of structural behavior, complex and multidisciplinary systems modelling, applied mathematics and scientific computing, mechanical study and design.

Discover ESiLV’s engineering school master’s degrees.

Categories: Professionnal
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