A tribune by Pascal Brouaye, Director General of Pôle Léonard de Vinci, originally published in French in Grandes Ecoles et Universités Magazine Special CEO. Great leaders are often given the first quality to have a medium and long-term vision and therefore to be able to indicate the direction to be taken. This is true at […]
Pushing one’s own limits, improving oneself, going beyond one’s comfort zone… A TEDx was held at Pôle Léonard de Vinci on the theme “Limitless”. Seven speakers from different backgrounds followed one another for a speech not exceeding 18 minutes each. TEDx conferences are organized independently of the TED organization. They aim to bring together communities […]
A tribune about teaching AI written by Rony Germon, Director of Digital Pedagogies and Pedagogical Innovation at the Pôle Léonard de Vinci, originally published in Le Monde des Grandes Ecoles. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the concerns of public authorities, start-ups or large groups. Sometimes an oracle, sometimes a destroyer of employment, one lends him […]
Many girls wonder about their orientation (as an engineer) before embarking on higher education. The French associations Elles bougent and the UPSTI sensitize them on all the avenues available to them by organizing “The Sciences of the Female Engineer“, under the High Patronage of the Ministry of National Education and Youth. At the end of […]
Students in New Energies major at ESILV visited Hive: the international headquarters of Schneider Electric, the first building in the world certified ISO 50001 and the first building in France to be triply certified ISO 14001, a good example of energy efficiency. As part of the Pole Leonard de Vinci’s corporate partnerships, Schneider Electric invited […]
General Jean-Paul Paloméros, former NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, shared his experience on innovation in the field of aeronautics and defense. This lecture was organized by LéoFly, the student association of aeromodelling of the Pôle Léonard de Vinci. Jean-Paul Paloméros, also a military advisor to Emmanuel Macron during his presidential campaign, emphasized the need to […]
Students in the final year of their engineering cycle presented their innovative project. The jury noted the teams. Back to the event and focus on the three best projects. Industrial innovation projects carried out by students are related to their specialization. Beautiful achievements after almost five years of study! Prototypes for companies SMS telepathy, an […]
HR directors can’t only rely on the use of data to recruit. But companies have invested algorithms to help them make the first sort. If a robot is obviously not going to do an interview or negotiate the salary, the passage through big data or artificial intelligence can be a first step for recruitment. Sorting […]
Modeling and Simulation with Compose and Activate was published by the end of 2018. The book was written by Stephen Campbell and Ramine Nikoukhah. This is a tutorial about software accessible to both experienced and novice readers. Ramine Nikoukhah is Vice President for System Modeling and Simulation at Altair Engineering. He has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and […]
By monitoring and collecting data from social networks, ESILV researchers analyze the impact of these structures on the evolution of tourism in Bordeaux. The school pilots a collaborative research and development project called “BIG DATA AND TOURISM”, in partnership with the Bordeaux Métropole, the Bordeaux Métropole Tourist Office and the Banque des Territoires Nouvelle-Aquitaine. The researchers […]
ESILV has been authorized by the French engineering accreditation institution (CTI) to issue the title of “engineer”. Located in Paris-La Défense, the school offers many advantages. Paris – La Défense is Europe’s largest business district, with 3,500,000 square meters and 180,000 daily workers. The connection to the center of Paris is easy on metro line 1. […]
The integration of digital technology into business is dramatically changing professional relationships. At ESILV, The Soft skills and transversality Department aims at adapting engineering students to this new reality. Interview with Laure Bertrand, teacher-researcher and Director of The Department. Coming from the strict field of continuous training in business, soft skills now take place in […]