An engineering major involves a great deal of consideration because it tackles technical design and problem-solving elements related to real-life issues in industries and businesses. Students are motivated to pursue a career in an engineering specialisation for the ability to innovate and positively impact society as a whole. Doing Smart Research Before choosing the right […]
How can new technologies support improvements in health outcomes? This is an issue 4th and 5th year students of ESILV Engineering School try to solve through various industrial innovation projects as part of the 5-year curriculum. At a glance: three projects focused on disability and medical monitoring. Two of these projects have been developed in […]
Engineering students are not only innovators but artists as well. Even if they don’t fit the popular notion of “creativity”, they can manage to use their technical luggage such as mathematics, physics, and aeronautics as a medium for their creative outlet. Engineering students go to school to develop their creative side by designing tools and […]
Spend a good time while travelling in the metro, and keeping up to date with the latest news from the world of finance and economic news, it’s possible! In just 5 minutes, you can: empty a dishwasher, fall asleep in front of Thalassa, switch off in a math class, count to 300, take out […]
Reading or hearing the words “engineering grad school” often send a few shivers down the spine of any applicant or new student, but is the fear justified? It’s no joke, studying an engineering specialisation is hard; and even though some majors are more difficult than others, it still raises a big question: is the course load […]
On Wednesday, 16 October, Leofly Student Association hosted a talk with Jean-Claude Hironde, the engineer in charge of the Rafale project – spearhead of the French army – to retrace the history of the omnirole fighter conceived by Dassault Aviation and answer all the questions raised by this technological achievement. Jean-Claude Hironde took a step-by-step […]
Everyone knows that that cloud computing is an unstoppable trend in the IT industry. However, that is no longer the case, because it’s no longer just a trend: it’s not going away any time soon. That’s a reality! So how did exactly cloud computing become crucial to the growth of societies? Cloud Computing Encourages Innovation […]
The student automotive association of the Pôle Léonard de Vinci, Vinci Eco Drive organised its own exhibition stall at the Village of Sciences hosted by La Cité des sciences et de l’industrie located in Parc de la Villette in Paris (4 to 6 October 2019). ESILV’s engineering students presented their latest prototype of energy-efficient vehicle […]
Passer un bon moment le temps d’un trajet en métro, tout en se tenant au courant des dernières news du monde de la finance et de l’actualité économique, c’est possible ! En 5 minutes seulement, on peut : vider un lave-vaisselle, s’endormir devant Thalassa, décrocher d’un cours de maths, compter jusqu’à 300, sortir les […]
Robots were once perceived as a threat to people’s jobs, or even just a tool used in the heavy industry sector, but in this digital era, SMEs are starting to make use of them as well. While some people argue that robots are replacing humans, SMEs are benefiting from the support of this technology to […]
On 3 October, two students named Houssameddine Ghorab et Thomas Broun stood out above their competitors from 6 other grandes ecoles in the first edition of Investir Day (Investing Day) . After a competitive analysis of all finalists, the judges selected from a pool of directors of France’s biggest industrial companies (Airbus, Air Liquide, l’Oréal, […]
An innovating spirit and a futuristic vision are the core of all the latest and upcoming emerging technologies in engineering . Foreseeing how the industries of tomorrow will perform is changing the way engineers are developing products, improving services, and supporting human resources.