In 2015, a bold statement was made: 3D printers will one day become common product-design and manufacturing devices. Now in 2020, the 3D-printing market has crossed the 1 million-unit threshold and by 2018, the trends were pointing towards a significant opportunity quickly coming into focus.
ESILV’s 5-year engineering students displayed their final-year projects at a showroom held at the Pole De Vinci’s campus, on January 31. The innovative industrial projects, called “PI²5”, enabled students to promote their work to companies, technical students associations and public institutions or to contribute to science through their research projects. 4 out of 43 projects […]
While still being a male-dominated industry, the Engineering Industry is counting more and more women. In fact, many female engineers are responsible for some of the greatest innovations in history throughout the years. Here is a non-exhaustive list of women engineers who did not hesitate to push the boundaries about what women could or could not […]
Truth be told, technologies in engineering are not the only thing we should watch out for because millennial engineers have become a force to be reckoned with.
Junior-Enterprises are not unique to business schools! There is also a potential for technical missions or high-stakes innovation situations: upgrading the pieces of equipment at the fablab, modelling and building a collection of modular shoes and conceptualizing an eco-responsible container for a new 100 percent French beverage. DeVinci Junior puts together the skills of students […]
Fintech companies have been disrupting the status quo and driving growth in so many industries. But with so much change and innovation comes a big load of challenges.
Just a year after its opening, the De Vinci Innovation Center has become a fully functional laboratory of the future. The trans-disciplinary research lab of the Pole Leonard de Vinci equipped itself with some twenty new series of cutting-edge equipment and innovative technology tools. The Center supports the development of eHealth research, Industry 4.0, mixed […]
2020 arrived and brought with it the many ways technology is changing how we think about IT in healthcare. The current developments in technology in the area of e-health and m-health are also increasing benefits for both practitioners and the patients.
The last event of the Oracle Hackathon Programme took place on January 31. The Hackathon “Territoires d’Industries” brought together over 120 outstanding students from 4 French universities: IESEG, ESILV, Epitech and 42. In the final round, four teams among the five selected to make their pitches at the Palais du Luxembourg were from ESILV Graduate […]
With a lot of technology being deployed, the world is becoming intensely interconnected and the role of engineers has never been more crucial to guarantee that the social, cultural, political, and economic forces will be used wisely to support the innovation that comes with it.
Starting from December 2019, a new course on additive manufacturing technologies is given to students majoring in Modeling and Numerical Mechanics and Industry 4.0. The course provides theoretical and practical opportunities for engineering students to practise a key technology for the industry of the future. Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is the process […]
Zooming in on the fast pace of digitization in all industries, the transformations many companies are implementing to their strategies have become more obvious, all for the purpose of surviving and thriving in Industry 4.0.