

ESILV Graduate School of Engineering News

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We’Care: ESILV students win second prize at 2020 City’Zen Challenge
01 Sep 2020 /
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The City’Zen Challenge by Berger-Levrault is an annual inter-school competition which allows students to be creators of Tomorrow’s smart city. This year, the second prize-winning submission was the We’Care project, a platform for non-governmental organisations in social assistance, conceived by ESILV students. We’Care is made up of five students from ESILV, the engineering school of […]

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Scientists From The University Of Cornell Create A Hair-Sized Microrobot Able To Walk On 4 Feets
27 Aug 2020 /
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Robotics really is the field of the future! Scientists have recently come up with tiny little robots that can move on four feet. Almost invisible, those robots can be used to explore biological environments. More than a million of those robots have already been produced. How Do Those Robots Work? “Those robots are so small […]

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Engineering Internships: Three Intern Programmes that thrived despite Covid-19
25 Aug 2020 /
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Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, some engineering internships have taken place over the spring-summer semesters. Even though many businesses have been closed this year due to coronavirus restrictions, numerous ESILV students were able to pursue their work during the pandemic. With all the COVID-19 restrictions, the summer of 2020 could have been a washout for […]

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A Different View on the Impact of COVID-19 on Financial Markets, by Matthieu Garcin
18 Aug 2020 /
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An ESILV professor, Matthieu Garcin, is at the origin of two new studies focusing on the impact of COVID-19 on stock markets and the effects of the crisis on market efficiency. In these studies, Matthieu Garcin and his co-authors propose a new outlook on this financial crisis and an original method, outlining the chronology of […]

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What Is An Ethical Hacker?
23 Jul 2020 /
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Thousand of cyberattacks occur every year. In 2015, Microsoft evaluated that 81% of the big companies had been victims of cyberattacks. This is where the ethical hacker comes into play: a ‘nice’ hacker that works for companies to protect them against regular hackers. Ethical hackers could replace computer engineers in the next decade. It is […]

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Charles, Class of 2015, Quality & Reliability Engineer at Milwaukee Tool, USA
21 Jul 2020 /
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Charles Foulard, class of 2015, left France for a year of study in the USA, and the experience changed his life. Since then, Charles made America his second home, readapting the French engineering world to the local culture and ways of doing things. Here is his story in Charles’ own words. As a founder of […]

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What To Expect From Generation Z In The Engineering Industry?
16 Jul 2020 /
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Born between 1997 and 2010, people from Generation Z grew up along with the digital era and are defined by a strong knowledge of new technologies and concerns about the environment. With the oldest of them now ready to enter the working life, what to expect of them regarding the Engineering Industry? Generation Z is […]

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The European Commission Launches The Innovation Fund: A Call For Projects to Help Clean Technology
09 Jul 2020 /
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On 3 July 2020, the European Commission opens one of the most important worldwide programme to drive clean innovative technologies towards the market: the Innovation Fund. A call for environmental-friendly projects to boost competitiveness among innovative technologies with a low carbon footprint. The Fund supports innovation in energy-intensive industries, renewables, energy storage and carbon capture, […]

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Simon, class of 2020, wins a data hackathon on global warming
07 Jul 2020 /
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Simon Adda, a student of the class of 2020, won one of the five challenges set by Qlik datathon. Simon developed a data integration solution for analysing the data related to Australia’s most vulnerable cities to climate-related disaster. The hackathon was co-organised by Qlik, analytics and BI solutions provider, and C40 Cities, a network of […]

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Why Is Robotics So Important After The COVID-19 Crisis?
02 Jul 2020 /
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The recent COVID-19 pandemic highlights the future importance of Robotics: robots indeed are able to limit the worker’s exposition to the virus while maintaining social distancing and disinfecting public spaces. Overall, the Engineering Industry, including robotics, did not suffer from the COVID-19 crisis: the industry was already used to remote work, and digital software are well implemented. […]

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AI-Powered MRI: Guillaume, ESILV alumnus, performs Research on Deep Learning to improve medical diagnosis
30 Jun 2020 /
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As A.I., Robotics and Data are redrawing the healthcare landscape, researchers from all over the world started to study and to publish about deep learning-based magnetic resonance imagining (MRI). One of them is Guillaume Fradet, ESILV alumnus, class of 2019, who is a data scientist specialized in e-health, machine learning, and computer vision. Guillaume is […]

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3 Tips To Become A Fulfilled Working Engineer
25 Jun 2020 /
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The Engineering Industry is just as fascinating as it is demanding. To experience true personal development while working in the industry, three tips have to be kept in mind while exercising your job as an engineer. Personal growth should always be a priority in any kind of career, especially in a field based on innovation […]

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