Juliette Macret has accepted the role of Patron to the ESILV class of 2022. This mentorship program aims to forge special links between the engineering students and IBM France, a leading technology company. The goal is to prepare them to develop their employability and successfully integrate into the world of work. On 3 December, ESILV […]
For many years now, ESILV research professors have focused on understanding and improving the tourism business through big data, primarily through the work being carried out by the De Vinci Research Center. In this context, the research paper “Indicators for Measuring Tourist Mobility”, co-authored by two professors and a student from ESILV, was presented at […]
L’ESILV a obtenu le label “Bienvenue en France” qui atteste de la qualité de l’accueil réservé aux étudiants internationaux.Seulement 29 écoles d’ingénieurs françaises sur plus de 200 existantes en France détiennent cette certification.
Une doudoune pnéumatique confectionnée au De Vinci Innovation Center a reçu le prix Coup de Coeur du jury du concours E-Fashion awards 2020. Cette doudoune a été réalisée par deux étudiants de l’ESILV dans le cadre du programme innovation, Reaserch and Manufacturing.
Higher Education Schools often offer the possibility to take part in student associations. Those activities present many advantages, whether it is developing new skills, meet other students, or adding a new line to your resumé. ESILV School of Engineering proposes more than 50 student associations in various fields, from sports to arts, and from business […]
The Study Abroad Fair, the annual study abroad fair, contributes to the mobility of engineering students, in these particular times of health restrictions linked to COVID-19, by allowing students to exchange directly with ESILV’s partner institutions. This year, the Pole Leonard de Vinci’s education abroad fair abroad was entirely digital. On November 6, more than […]
We can all agree on that, skills are a very important section to put on a resumé. However, there are different types of skills that recruiters are looking for in a candidate. Hard Skills, Soft Skills, Mad Skills…what make them both so essential and distinct from one another? ESILV School of Engineering has its own […]
A team of ESILV engineering students won third prize in the Coup2Boost competition organised by Capgemini. This award demonstrates the viability of their solution for efficient recycling: a voice-controlled 2.0 waste bin, which replaces manual waste collection with an automatic system. The Generalist Digital Engineering Innovation Project, or PING, comes into play in the first […]
The Data Industry is one of the most growing industries of the late 20 years, due to the digitalisation of data and the increasing popularity of social media. Nowadays, companies are overwhelmed by data, which leads to many jobs opportunities in that field. The Data Industry will still be growing int the future. Choosing to […]
The ESILV judoka won a bronze medal at the 2020 European Junior Judo Championships which took place in Porec Croatia.
If most people choose to visit Paris for its sites, its culture or its gastronomy, students in Engineering might have other motives to go study in the capital of France. Studying in Schools of Engineering located Paris such as ESILV allows international students to enrich their knowledge by visiting many places and museums focused on […]
The “4D Space” is used by ESILV engineering students to test the potential benefits of virtual and augmented reality and to foster knowledge.