

ESILV Graduate School of Engineering News

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DaVinciCTF 2022, From Engineering School Projects to Cyber-Challenges
05 Apr 2022 /
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DaVinciCode, the cybersecurity student club of the De Vinci Higher Education, organized a weekend-long CTF competition, which was open to all hacking enthusiasts, students or not. This year, the competition gathered almost 2,000 participants and 1,200 teams from all over the world around thirty security challenges conceived during engineering projects at ESILV. The digital security […]

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Phobias Engineers Try to Avoid
31 Mar 2022 /
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So, you’ve spotted a very difficult-to-pronounce, massive word, and you’re automatically tempted to start looking for additional words you’ll potentially start dreading and add it to your list if you haven’t already. Phobias, no matter how prevalent, might make it difficult to choose a career. A career as a surgeon would be unlikely if you […]

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How Navier-Stokes Equations Can Help Solve Natural Convection Problems
29 Mar 2022 /
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By combining condensed matter physics, solid mechanics, fluid dynamics and thermodynamics, a team of scientists from De Vinci Higher Education and Laval University found a new approach to natural convection phenomena. The new model couples the Navier-Stokes equations to heat transfer equations, giving a more efficient and faster algorithm than traditional approaches. Driss Yakoubi, professor […]

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Inside The Biggest Contributions of Medical Technology
24 Mar 2022 /
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Medical technology has the potential to save lives, improve health, and contribute to long-term healthcare solutions. Patients, healthcare professionals, healthcare systems, engineers, and society, in general, all benefit from the industry’s breakthrough equipment and tests. Medical and biotechnology businesses are also important contributors to Europe’s economic growth and job creation.

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Xiao Xiao & T-Voks Awarded Second Place, Guthman Musical Instrument Competition
22 Mar 2022 /
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Xiao Xiao, the head of the Human Learning group at the De Vinci Innovation Center, is the second-place winner in the 2022 Guthman Musical Instrument Competition. Her innovation is T-Voks, an augmented theremin that speaks and sings, but also a joint research project developed in France. Georgia Tech’s 2022 Guthman Musical Instrument Competition is an […]

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What’s a Day in the Life of a Creative Technologist Like?
17 Mar 2022 /
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The day-to-day routine of a creative technologist varies from one professional in a specific sector to another and includes everything from refining product concepts to account and project management. With strong communication, presentation, and time-management skills, as well as the ability to multitask and pivot at a moment’s notice, a typical working day is never the […]

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The CyberSecurity Programme is Part of the Campus Cyber, France’s CyberSpark
15 Mar 2022 /
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Inspired by the Israeli CyberSpark, the Cyber Campus aims to “raise the bar for French excellence ” in cybersecurity. ESILV is one of the 160 players involved in this “cyber-city”, a place for sharing innovations and good digital hygiene practices. “Together, at the service of a great cybernation.” This is the motto of the Cyber […]

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Behind The Rise of Ethical Hacking in 2022
10 Mar 2022 /
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Hackers have long been regarded as villains through the media lens worldwide. They are portrayed in society as cyber-criminals and outliers that strive to damage systems, steal data, and destroy anything that stands in their way. Yet even if all of this remains true, we need to distinguish between cyber-crimes and ethical hacking that exposes […]

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Best Tips for a Career in Corporate Social Responsibility
03 Mar 2022 /
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Working corporate social responsibility has become at the center of businesses and professions. As a growing area of priority for companies, it’s not easy to break into the world of CSR, especially if you’re switching engineering careers or starting a new related position. So how can you stand out in the unique and sometimes limited […]

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Machine Learning Researchers Develop A New Approach For Tackling Classification Problems
01 Mar 2022 /
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In a new paper, Pegah Alizadeh, professor at ESILV and the Devinci Research Center member, proposes a new method to decomplexify classification problems in machine learning. The paper named “Clustering Approach to Solve Hierarchical Classification Problem Complexity” has been published in AAAI conference on artificial intelligence. This research event is known as a A* ranking […]

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Power Skills: Future-Proofing Your Career in Engineering
24 Feb 2022 /
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An engineer’s work tends to revolve around many elements like creativity and design, numbers, coding, and project management, but the more studies evaluate what workplace conditions are demanding, the more a reframing of soft skills has become apparent, particularly power skills that are key to future-proofing your career.

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10 Not-so-Cliche Engineering Interview Questions You Need to Be Ready For
17 Feb 2022 /
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After all the time invested in creating a portfolio, working on a cover letter and resume, it’s important to spend sufficient time on your interview preparation as well. With hundreds of different disciplines and subcategories of engineering, preparing interviews goes beyond the traditional questions and taps into the candidate’s character, work ethics, and soft skills.

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