Microsoft Imagine Cup 2018: a Team from ESILV to Compete in the French Final

Imagine Cup, Microsoft’s innovation competition, brings together students from all over the world. The 2018 edition challenges teams to come up with an artificial intelligence solution which integrates a software module from the Microsoft Azure Cloud.

Imagine Cup promotes and supports student projects, applications, devices or games, which aim to change the world.

Clever Cooker Fridge, an app for food waste reduction

Axel de Cuniac, Florent Bissonnier-Gillot and Alexandre Botte are the founding members of the Clever Cooker Fridge team. The three engineering students, ESILV class of ’20, are among the ten teams selected to compete in the French final of the competition. Other teams come from French Grandes Écoles CentraleSupelec, HEC or École Polytechnique.

ESILV engineering students have created Clever Cooker Fridge, a smartphone application which helps reducing food wastage.

Clever Cooker Fridge or CCF allows users to list the food items bought when grocery shopping. The application will then analyse the food stored in the fridge and suggest recipes meant to reduce food waste. CCF uses artificial intelligence to recommend recipes accordingly to food intolerances, nutrient requirements and previous meals.

The application features the cloud solution Microsoft Azure, which grants access to the recipes from any device. It also allows real time update and easy sharing.

A French final in VivaTech Paris

The Clever Cooker Fridge team and the nine other finalists of the Imagine Cup 2018 edition have participated in a bootcamp on March 23d and 24th. During these two days at the Microsoft France headquarters, the teams were coached for the May 25th final at VivaTech. This trade show, held in Paris, is a French equivalent for the CES.

The winning team will compete in the world finale in the USA, in July. The winners will receive up to $100.000 to make their project a reality and will meet Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella for a mentoring session.

Are you interested in student challenges? Learn more about ESILV’s educational approach.

This post was last modified on 3 April 2018 2:01 pm

Categories: Student Life
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