Microsoft, Dell, Linkedin, Oracle, VMware : ESILV Apprentices in a “Learning Expedition” in Ireland

As part of the development of partnerships with world leaders in the digital world, around forty alternating engineering students at ESILV engineering school had the opportunity to go on a “Learning Expedition” in Ireland, the hub of the leading international digital players.

In just a few decades, the Irish capital has become a true European-style Silicon Valley: virtually all the world’s digital giants have set up their headquarters for Europe.

As a direct result of this rapid development of digital activities in Ireland, many vacancies in a dynamic and international environment, on technologies and issues very familiar to ESILV engineering students: cloud solutions, big data, blockchain, development, machine learning, artificial intelligence …

The “Learning Expedition” 2019, is a dense program for student-engineers alternately, since business visits have chained: Oracle, Microsoft, Dell, VMware and Linkedin, with each time a personalized welcome and the discovery of the infrastructures and trades of the partner companies of Pole Léonard de Vinci.

The business partners of Léonard de Vinci schools have access to a range of dedicated services: employer brand development, adapted recruitment systems, collaboration on technological, and educational projects.

On the program: discovering activities and job opportunities

At Microsoft, the alternating students were welcomed on the site One Microsoft Place, the new campus of the global group in Dublin, which has nearly 2000 employees from 71 nationalities. Visit of the premises, presentation of trades “in tension” for which the needs in human resources are increasing (sales rep, data solution specialist, azure solutions specialist, account executive …) by means of testimonies, the occasion for the future engineers to perceive career opportunities at Microsoft.

At VMware, the world leader in cloud infrastructure technologies and digital workspace, virtual reality has been put in the spotlight, including a conference and immersion tests, for example the virtual tour of VMware Global Headquarters in Palo Alto, California. VMware in Ireland has more than 1,000 employees on the Cork site, 36 languages ​​spoken for 53 nationalities.

The students’ visit to the Dell site in Cork was particularly marked by a practical immersion in the Dell Digital Way, the company’s vision of digital transformation, an overview of the challenges of artificial intelligence, and an immersion at the heart of the process of designing and manufacturing servers for data centers.

At Linkedin, welcomed by the teams of the reference social network in the professional world, the student-engineers benefited in particular from a “Rock your Profile” workshop, in order to be fully operational and visible in their search for internships or job. Master codes, with the support of LinkedIn professionals, a major asset!

This post was last modified on 4 July 2019 8:03 am

Categories: International
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