Spend a good time while travelling in the metro, and keeping up to date with the latest news from the world of finance and economic news, it’s possible!
In just 5 minutes, you can: empty a dishwasher, fall asleep in front of Thalassa, switch off in a math class, count to 300, take out the garbage, clean your kitchen, replace a light bulb, get a sunburn, mow 50 m lawn, clean your windows, wait for the subway, shake a mat, lose 3 Poker sessions, run a kilometer, give an off-topic response …
Otherwise, you can enrich your financial knowledge with Metromedia!
Latest financial and economic news in 5 minutes per week
Metromedia.fr sends its “notes of the week” every weekend: an easy-to-read format, with a touch of humour, that goes beyond traditional financial boundaries.
Metromedia’s catchphrase: “Financial knowledge: Oops, that’s a toughie. Frankly, it is not as hard as it may seem.”
The newsletter that unveils the secrets of the wolves of Wall Street has racked up over 400 subscribers in less than 3 months. This new tool keeps its readers in the know about significant events of the world economy.
Every Sunday, Metromedia’s subscribers receive a selection of 3 news stories that summarize important events of the week, a stock market article that retraces and explains unusual stock market and global indices movements and an educational update on a new financial term, a well-known institution, an influential person, so they can boost their financial literacy.
From the “Volfete” index – a callback to the impact on the market of President Trump’s tweets – to Emmanuel Macron’s Next 40 and Renault’s stock market exploits to the latest trials and tribulation of Libra, the authors of Metromedia have no difficulty in burning the tracks, and to move from one continent to another, from a GAFA web giant to a potential French unicorn (or not!), from a new trading activity to a niche position, bringing together issues of business management consulting services, private banking, etc.
The Metromedia Project Team
Metromedia’s co-founders are also good friends
There are five engineering students, four of whom study at ESILV, class of 2021, majoring in Financial Engineering. Passionate about the world of finance, Metromedia’s authors are committed to making the understanding of Economics easier to the general public to engage citizens in the financial environment and make them learn from it.
Our main role is to help students interested in finance to demystify this environment full of prejudices. We mainly think of the students undecided about their major.
Choosing their engineering major has been a topic of debate for many years, for third-year students, who are guided into their final decisions by alumni, companies and teachers. Metromedia sets out to help a broad audience understand covert messages of the financial industry. Inspired by ESILV’s innovative methods based curriculum, the new media will explore major FinTech trends and the main job markets.
Interested in financial engineering? Learn more about the Master’s Programme at ESILV, engineering school in Paris.