

De Vinci Higher Education participated at the IATEFL International Conference
14 May 2024 /
By Greta Guzman /
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Christian Berlin, Head of Languages and Madeline Lorenz, English teacher and course coordinator at De Vinci Higher Education, recently participated in the IATEFL International Conference in Brighton. This annual event, attracting thousands of delegates worldwide, serves as a hub for knowledge exchange and professional networking, shaping the landscape of English language teaching (ELT). It provided […]

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ESILV trains its students in job hunting and salary negotiation
24 Oct 2023 /
By Greta Guzman /
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As part of the Professional Project module, 5th-year students at ESILV followed a programme dedicated to preparing them for job hunting, self-knowledge, and developing professional skills. This integrated approach aims to better prepare future engineers for their entry into the job market. At the beginning of September, engineering students took part in a compulsory module […]

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Why Engineers Make Great Entrepreneurs!
23 Mar 2023 /
By ESILV Paris /
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While engineering is a field that is often associated with technical knowledge and scientific expertise, many people fail to recognize the unique set of skills and attributes that engineers possess that make them great entrepreneurs.

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Power Skills: Future-Proofing Your Career in Engineering
24 Feb 2022 /
By ESILV Paris /
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An engineer’s work tends to revolve around many elements like creativity and design, numbers, coding, and project management, but the more studies evaluate what workplace conditions are demanding, the more a reframing of soft skills has become apparent, particularly power skills that are key to future-proofing your career.

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What Are The Differences Between Hard Skills, Soft Skills and Mad Skills?
10 Dec 2020 /
By Naomi Huart /
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We can all agree on that, skills are a very important section to put on a resumé. However, there are different types of skills that recruiters are looking for in a candidate. Hard Skills, Soft Skills, Mad Skills…what make them both so essential and distinct from one another? ESILV School of Engineering has its own […]

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“Digital sobriety”: ESILV engineering students find solutions at their level
17 Nov 2020 /
By Carmina Marcarian /
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More than 1200 students involved, 226 inter-school teams, 25 trainers. Pole Leonard de Vinci recently hosted a week of activities dedicated to digital sobriety, a sustainable development initiative. As part of the Soft Skills cross-disciplinary week, ESILV’s engineering students were asked to come up with solutions at their level to reduce the environmental impact of […]

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How To Improve Your Creativity As An Engineer?
17 Sep 2020 /
By Naomi Huart /
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Creativity is one of the most important soft skills for an Engineer. Engineers must always think of creative ways to come up with a solution, and they need to use their creativity to envision future innovations. Like any skill, creativity can be trained and improved. Schools of Engineering such as ESILV help students improving their […]

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What Are The Most Important Soft Skills For An Engineer?
10 Sep 2020 /
By Naomi Huart /
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Nowadays, soft skills are an essential part of professional life. While hard skills represent technical skills, soft skills are all about personal skills, such as team spirit, creativity, or leadership. Students and graduates need to identify their soft skills for the hiring process. Schools of Engineering like ESILV put soft skills at the core of […]

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Prospective, how to train future leaders?
04 Apr 2019 /
By esilv paris /
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A tribune by Pascal Brouaye, Director General of Pôle Léonard de Vinci, originally published in French in Grandes Ecoles et Universités Magazine Special CEO. Great leaders are often given the first quality to have a medium and long-term vision and therefore to be able to indicate the direction to be taken. This is true at […]

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What Skills Are Required to Become an Engineer?
19 Jul 2018 /
By ESILV Paris /
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Engineering school graduates may hold a great variety of positions. They share one common denominator: a capacity to solve complex technical problems thanks to scientific skills. Behavioural skills are also essential to complete projects. What skills are needed to become a successful engineer? In a international and ever-evolving world, society and individuals expect new skills […]

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