Soumaya Sabry, a fifth-year student of ESILV and Ecole Polytechnique double-degree program, had her article on “People identity learning in HRI through an incremental multimodal approach” published as a part of IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication. Soumaya’s contribution was featured at the Cognitive Robotics for Interaction (CIRCE) Workshop, hosted at the […]
Robotics really is the field of the future! Scientists have recently come up with tiny little robots that can move on four feet. Almost invisible, those robots can be used to explore biological environments. More than a million of those robots have already been produced. How Do Those Robots Work? “Those robots are so small […]
The recent COVID-19 pandemic highlights the future importance of Robotics: robots indeed are able to limit the worker’s exposition to the virus while maintaining social distancing and disinfecting public spaces. Overall, the Engineering Industry, including robotics, did not suffer from the COVID-19 crisis: the industry was already used to remote work, and digital software are well implemented. […]
As the sanitary crisis impacted their internships, ESILV students were allowed to devote themselves entirely to their business project instead of the internships planned in the 4th and 5th years. A look at three examples of student startup launches. The 4th and 5th years internships cover a pivotal period in the engineering curriculum, as they […]
Robots were once perceived as a threat to people’s jobs, or even just a tool used in the heavy industry sector, but in this digital era, SMEs are starting to make use of them as well. While some people argue that robots are replacing humans, SMEs are benefiting from the support of this technology to […]
According to Forbes Magazine, in 2025, machines are expected to perform more current work tasks than humans compared to 71% being performed by humans as of now. However, does this mean that that robotics and AI will displace or create the jobs of the future?
The first edition of the 2019 France Robotics Pre-Cup at Pole Léonard de Vinci! A training session organized by the DaVinciBot association before the French Robotics Cup which will take place from May 30th till June 1st in La-Roche-sur-Yon, Vendée. Six engineering schools faced off, including ESILV: ENSIM, INSA, ESEO, EPITA, and IN’TECH. Each team […]
Putting theory into practice, taking part in projects and national competitions, satisfying a passion: focus on ESILV’s technical associations. There are no higher education institutions without student associations. With over 40 of them, the Pôle Léonard de Vinci’s schools are no exception to this rule. ESILV values and support the creation of associations by students. […]
Pôle Léonard de Vinci’s robotics association is taking part in the InMoov adventure, a collaborative open source project enabling the 3D printing of a humanoid robot, its construction and programming. InMoov is the first DIY open source robot one can print in 3D, build and program. The InMoov project was launched in 2012 by French […]