

Breaking into the Engineering Industry: Tips for Fresh Graduates
09 Feb 2023 /
By ESILV Paris /
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Starting a career in the engineering industry can be a daunting task for fresh graduates. The competition is fierce and the job market is constantly evolving, making it difficult to find meaningful employment. However, the engineering industry is also full of opportunities for growth and development, and with the right approach, fresh graduates can find […]

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The Engineer of the Future: Navigating a Career in Industry 4.0
02 Feb 2023 /
By ESILV Paris /
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As we move further into the Industry 4.0 era, the role of engineers is becoming increasingly delicate and important. With deeper integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and automation, not only is the way we live and work changing but also how engineers operate and grow.

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The Future Of Engineering: What Next Year May Hold
15 Dec 2022 /
By ESILV Paris /
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Technology is transforming every aspect of life, including how people communicate at work, on the road, and in school. Engineers have been compelled to adapt and advance by these changes in lifestyle. To adapt to the new reality, it has become crucial that new technology be integrated into processes.

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How to Lose an Engineer in 4 ways
01 Dec 2022 /
By ESILV Paris /
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Because there are so many great opportunities available, engineers don’t hold back from pursuing them. Companies are being forced to stretch their offers and present a wide range of opportunities and benefits in order to not only find the talent they’re looking for but also retain it. This is because the global engineer talent shortage […]

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3 Surprising Reasons You Should Get an Engineering Degree
24 Nov 2022 /
By ESILV Paris /
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Passions and potential professional paths may not always be directly related. Many students have fairly clear ideas of what engineers perform in their heads. The mind might picture large machinery, perhaps a bridge or two, but the term probably has a much wider scope than one could realize.

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5 Ways Generation Z Impacts the Future of Engineering
06 Oct 2022 /
By ESILV Paris /
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Numerous engineering disciplines experienced fascinating transformations because of the Millennial generation. But it’s the creative thinking of generation Y that has permanently altered the workplace and its dynamics. It’s about time to get ready for a new talent pool and the changes they will bring to the industry now that generation Z is part of […]

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Things You Should Never Ask an Engineering Student
07 Apr 2022 /
By ESILV Paris /
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There are things that people around engineers do that irritate them to no end, from stereotyping to being inquisitive. Here’s a list of things that no engineer enjoys hearing. Take note of this and refrain from saying similar things in the future.

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Phobias Engineers Try to Avoid
31 Mar 2022 /
By ESILV Paris /
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So, you’ve spotted a very difficult-to-pronounce, massive word, and you’re automatically tempted to start looking for additional words you’ll potentially start dreading and add it to your list if you haven’t already. Phobias, no matter how prevalent, might make it difficult to choose a career. A career as a surgeon would be unlikely if you […]

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How Lifelong Learning is the New Normal for Engineers
04 Jan 2022 /
By ESILV Paris /
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Continuous development and lifelong learning have become the new normal for fresh and professional engineers as their work and diverse specializations revolve around public infrastructure and safety, a sustainable environment, a highly competitive economy, healthcare, and security.

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5 Advice New Engineers Need to Hear
21 Dec 2021 /
By ESILV Paris /
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Young engineers who freshly graduated from engineering school will do whatever it takes to succeed in today’s quickly evolving industry. Those among them who will kick start their career by learning from people’s experiences and situations will be better able to adapt to whatever changes the industry brings.

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3 Engineering Lessons Learned During the Pandemic
16 Dec 2021 /
By ESILV Paris /
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Facing a crisis like the pandemic, engineering leadership teams had to rethink their plans and reorient their projects to ensure the safety of all concerned parties: employees and clients, without breaking the bond. Whether newly graduated or working professionals,  engineers had some lesson or two to share.

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Discovering France Through Engineers Who Changed its History
09 Dec 2021 /
By ESILV Paris /
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It is one thing to discover France through its music, food, and literature, and another through its engineering and architecture. There are many monuments and inventions that have witnessed the extraordinary history of the city, and many constructions testify of its everlasting beauty.

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