

What Does the Future of Software Development Look Like in 2023?
13 Oct 2022 /
By ESILV Paris /
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Software development is continually changing. Over time, new software trends are emerging to further validate the ever-growing nature of revolution in adapting to the expanding demands of the consumer market.

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“Digital sobriety”: ESILV engineering students find solutions at their level
17 Nov 2020 /
By Carmina Marcarian /
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More than 1200 students involved, 226 inter-school teams, 25 trainers. Pole Leonard de Vinci recently hosted a week of activities dedicated to digital sobriety, a sustainable development initiative. As part of the Soft Skills cross-disciplinary week, ESILV’s engineering students were asked to come up with solutions at their level to reduce the environmental impact of […]

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2019 Engineer of the Future Trophies announced: a Cross-Disciplinary Team ESILV – IIM wins the Digital Engineer’s Trophy
07 Jan 2020 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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Pole’s Leonard de Vinci team has been awarded the Digital Engineer Trophy of the Engineer of the Future Trophies 2019 organized by the “Usine Nouvelle” and “Usine Digitale” magazines. The award-winning project in the Digital Engineer category is a virtual-reality jacket called Jacketronics. The Trophies of the Engineer of the Future took place at the […]

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Hackathon: One-Day to Provide IoT, Chatbot and AI Solutions
12 Oct 2018 /
By ESILV Paris /
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Organised on ESILV’s campus on October 4th, the Digital and Innovation Day hackathon gathered 125 students. All of them worked on issues submitted by partner companies in the fields of IoT, Artificial Intelligence, virtual reality, chatbots and personalisation. ESILV engineering students, used to working on real-life cases, put their specific skills at the service of […]

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The 2018 Top 10 Most Attractive Employers for French Engineering Students
31 May 2018 /
By ESILV Paris /
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Each year, research institute Universum publishes a list of the most attractive employers for French engineering school students. Conducted on a sample of 15 000 students, this ranking gives insight on the attractivity of a hundred companies. Where do engineering students from France dream of being hired in 2018? Once more,aeronautics and digital are the […]

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VivaTech 2018: ESILV academic partner of the technological innovation fair
17 May 2018 /
By ESILV Paris /
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The third edition of  Viva Technology will take place from May 24th to 26th. ESILV, school of engineering, is an academic partner of the parisian event for global innovation and startups. Founded in 2016, by Les Échos and Publicis, Viva Technology gathered more than 68 000 visitors in 2017. During three days, the 2018 edition […]

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