

The CyberSecurity Programme is Part of the Campus Cyber, France’s CyberSpark
15 Mar 2022 /
By Carmina Marcarian /
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Inspired by the Israeli CyberSpark, the Cyber Campus aims to “raise the bar for French excellence ” in cybersecurity. ESILV is one of the 160 players involved in this “cyber-city”, a place for sharing innovations and good digital hygiene practices. “Together, at the service of a great cybernation.” This is the motto of the Cyber […]

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Behind The Rise of Ethical Hacking in 2022
10 Mar 2022 /
By ESILV Paris /
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Hackers have long been regarded as villains through the media lens worldwide. They are portrayed in society as cyber-criminals and outliers that strive to damage systems, steal data, and destroy anything that stands in their way. Yet even if all of this remains true, we need to distinguish between cyber-crimes and ethical hacking that exposes […]

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Three Fourth-Year Engineering Projects On Transforming French Cybersecurity
05 Dec 2021 /
By Carmina Marcarian /
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Cybersecurity remains a significant challenge for the global economy. To help companies prevent and manage risks, ESILV engineering students are working on engineering projects aimed at creating tools to enhance cyber protection. Here is a closer look at three fourth-year projects conducted by the Class of 2022. 6 trillion dollars. That’s the estimated cost of […]

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ESILV’s Cybersecurity Program Awarded the SecNumedu Label by the French ANSSI
08 Sep 2021 /
By Carmina Marcarian /
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ESILV has been certified by the French National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI) for its Cybersecurity major. This ANSSI certification is a further assurance of the high standard of ESILV’s training in IT security. SecNumedu is a certification process for higher education courses in cyber security. This label from ANSSI distinguishes courses that meet […]

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DaVinciCTF, a Cyber Security “Capture the Flag” Event Organized by Digiteam
30 Mar 2021 /
By Carmina Marcarian /
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The “CTF” (Capture the Flag) cybersecurity competition organized by DigiTeam Devinci, the Pole Leonard de Vinci’s IT association, pitted 661 international teams against each other for 48 hours, bringing together 1,000 participants. The DaVinciCTF is the cybersecurity competition proposed by the DigiTeam student organization as part of the 4th-year industrial innovation projects of the engineering […]

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How Did Cybersecurity Evolve In 2020 According To ENISA?
22 Oct 2020 /
By Naomi Huart /
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ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, has just published its annual report concerning cyber threats in 2020 and a general overview of the threat landscape. This year, the Covid-19 crisis played a huge part in the evolution of cybersecurity. What are the main cyber threats of 2020 and how to counter them? ENISA’s Top […]

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How To Choose The Safest Password Possible?
01 Oct 2020 /
By Naomi Huart /
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Even though breaches are still going on, employees keep acting neglectful with their passwords. Denial, ignorance, and the fear of forgetting potential new passwords could explain this lack of vigilance regarding hackers and breaches. How to create a strong password, both easy to remember and hacker-proof? How Are We Still Letting Hackers Win? Even though […]

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Engineering Internships: Three Intern Programmes that thrived despite Covid-19
25 Aug 2020 /
By Carmina Marcarian /
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Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, some engineering internships have taken place over the spring-summer semesters. Even though many businesses have been closed this year due to coronavirus restrictions, numerous ESILV students were able to pursue their work during the pandemic. With all the COVID-19 restrictions, the summer of 2020 could have been a washout for […]

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What Is An Ethical Hacker?
23 Jul 2020 /
By Naomi Huart /
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Thousand of cyberattacks occur every year. In 2015, Microsoft evaluated that 81% of the big companies had been victims of cyberattacks. This is where the ethical hacker comes into play: a ‘nice’ hacker that works for companies to protect them against regular hackers. Ethical hackers could replace computer engineers in the next decade. It is […]

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“XXL” Hackathon : ESILV Students Rewarded by Companies for Their Cybersecurity, Training, E-health Solutions
14 Apr 2020 /
By Carmina Marcarian /
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More than 200 students from nine higher education schools took part in a multi-school corporate challenge, named “XXL Hackathon”,  focused around issues that concern institutions’ corporate partners. Several ESILV students were part of the winning teams of the “XXL Hackathon”, who created the best solutions for cybersecurity, training, and e-health. The multi-school “XXL hackathon” organized by […]

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Cyber Threats and Cyber Security: the Growing Push For Cyber Peace
26 Mar 2020 /
By ESILV Paris /
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A word commonly circulating and thrown around in media is “cyber threat”. But what exactly are these cyber threats and are they any different from “cyber attacks”?

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4 Ways to Stand out and Lead in Industry 4.0
06 Feb 2020 /
By ESILV Paris /
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Zooming in on the fast pace of digitization in all industries, the transformations many companies are implementing to their strategies have become more obvious, all for the purpose of surviving and thriving in Industry 4.0.

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