Influence of Biaxial Stress on Magnetic Behavior of Dual-Phase Steel

Article published by Olivier Hubert, Frédérick Mballa-Mballa, Song He and Sophie Depeyre in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics in May 2016. Song He and Sophie Depeyre are professors at ESILV and researcher of Devinci Research Center – Modelisation Group at Pôle Léonard de Vinci.

Online magnetic NDE of dual-phase (DP) steels is made on bands submitted to high multiaxial stress.

Extraction of microstructural information from the measurement requires separating the effect of stress and microstructure.

Coupled magnetomechanical micromagnetic modeling is relevant for that purpose. In this paper, the magnetic behavior of a DP steel under biaxial stress is carried out and compared with the modeling.

It is shown that the discrepancies observed between experiments and model can be explained by the 2-D assumption.

Learn more about Song He

Learn more about Sophie Depeyre

Learn more about the Devinci  Research Center –  Modelisation Group: www.devinci.fr

Full article: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/

This post was last modified on 28 July 2021 4:46 pm

Categories: Research
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