Human-Machine Interaction at the Service of Humanity: 2024 Class’ Cobotics Projects

Human-machine interaction technologies have become increasingly popular, and cobotics is one of the fastest-growing elements of the intelligent factory. This year, the 2024 class’ second-year project focused on cobots: finding solutions to enhance human-robot collaboration. 

In the second year of the ESILV integrated preparatory course for the engineering curriculum, the PIX project aims to design and produce an innovative product based on a hot subject.

This year, the engineering students from the class of 2024 have designed and managed projects around collaborative cobotics, combining teamwork skills and project management abilities. The 72 teams presented their work to the rest of the Pôle Léonard de Vinci during a showroom day.

MOA/MOE, communication and project management … Cobotics for and through collaboration

MOA & MOE are French acronyms meaning “maîtrise d’ouvrage” and “maître d’oeuvre”. To familiarize themselves with the IT project management approach, 72 teams of 6 students each worked in tandem: each team had to act as both project owner and project manager.

In concrete terms, the students had to provide a functional set of specifications and lead another team in charge of driving the project all along. Thus, in addition to playing the role of the project owner, they must also take control of the active part of the project defined by another team.

A whole range of technical and soft skills coaching is available to help them play both the MOA and MOE roles. In addition, students are assessed by PRMs (project roadmap managers) who are familiar with project management and soft skills coaches throughout the year. These specialists help them work as a team while managing the MOA/MOE relationship, which can be complicated to implement.

But there is also a technical challenge. The teams had to design specific applications for robotics as a helping hand to humans that rely solely on radio communication: the objects must communicate with each other without wifi.

The project work was an excellent opportunity to explain communication protocols and their specificities to the students and help them get to grips with these networks, which are widely used in home automation.

WasteManager: Cobotics at the service of the planet

One of this year’s most ambitious second-year is WasteManager. This remote-controlled robot aims to make sorting easier thanks to an integrated scale system and a camera that recognizes the waste and points to the most appropriate sorting bin. The technologies used to create the WasteManager: an algorithm coded in Linux, raspberry pi microcomputers, a pi camera and a load cell.

The team members of the Waste Manager: ABOU-OBEIDA Valentin, AMAT Carla, COBAN Nicolas, DURIN Lou, JEGATHEESWARAN Janany, LAMY Sacha.

For a tour of the second-year engineering projects showroom , please click on the link below. 

Find out more about the ESILV student projects

This post was last modified on 13 July 2021 4:26 pm

Categories: Programmes
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