Based on the CTI data, the ranking list published by French newspaper l’Usine Nouvelle classifies 130 engineering schools in France. ESILV ranked #10 in the overall ranking and #1 on the occupational integration criteria.
This engineering school ranking uses the public and certified data delivered by the CTI, the relevant body in charge of carrying out evaluation procedures that lead to the accreditation of the institutions to award the engineering degree “titre d’ingénieur diplômé”.
ESILV made it to the top 10 of this 2018 best engineering school ranking, with a global grade of 48.60.
The magazine used 14 indicators to establish this ranking, all of them linked to one of four specific domains : occupational integration, entrepreneurship, international links and research.
“In its annual ranking, the magazine L’Usine Nouvelle came up with a whole new hierarchy, with a top 10 featuring ESILV and ESTACA”. – le Figaro Etudiant
Extract of the engineering school ranking by L’Usine Nouvelle
Down below, the French engineering school Top 20 of the 2018 ranking of L’Usine Nouvelle, where ESILV ranked #10.
Rang | Ecole | note globale | Salaire un an après la sortie (brut annuel, €) |
1 | Polytechnique | 62.30 | 44 000 |
2 | CentraleSupélec, diplôme Centrale | 54.20 | 43 000 |
3 | ESPCI | 52.60 | 40 000 |
4 | ISAE-Supaéro | 52.20 | 40 500 |
5 | Mines Nancy | 51.90 | 41 500 |
6 | Télécom Paristech | 50.90 | 47 500 |
7 | UTC | 49.90 | 41 000 |
8 | ESTACA | 49.60 | 41 755 |
9 | ENPC | 48.60 | 42 000 |
10 | ESILV | 48.10 | 44 000 |
11 | ECPM | 47 | 33 500 |
12 | EPITA | 45.70 | 41 500 |
13 | Grenoble INP - Ensimag | 44.80 | 40 000 |
14 | Chimie ParisTech | 44.10 | 34 100 |
15 | ENSAE | 43.90 | 46 220 |
16 | Centrale Nantes | 43.90 | 46 220 |
17 | EISTI | 43.70 | 39 600 |
17 | ECE | 43.70 | 42 800 |
19 | Centrale Lyon | 43.30 | 38 000 |
20 | EPF | 42.40 | 39 700 |
See the ranking on l’Usine Nouvelle’s website
The magazine offers the possibility to display the ranking following several indicators. ESILV is #1 on the occupational integration criteria, thanks to the strategic position of its curriculum on digital technologies, a dynamic recruiting ground.
The method used by L’Usine Nouvelle relies on 14 criteria to rank the 130 engineering schools : annual salary, percentage of the second to last class hired on a permanent contract, percentage of graduates hired within two months, duration of compulsory internship during the engineering five-year course, number of engineers who graduate from the school and who were part of a business creation incubator in the last five years, percentage of entrepreneurs among the employed graduates, percentage of students employed abroad, percentage of students who spent at least a minimum of 6 months abroad as interns, percentage of students who spent at least a minimum of 6 months abroad on academic exchange, percentage of students who enrolled in the school with a foreign diploma, percentage of students who graduated with a double diploma agreement with a foreign school, percentage of professors and contributors involved in research, percentage of graduates who chose to write a PhD thesis, number of PhD thesis written under the supervision of a faculty member in the last year.
This post was last modified on 6 March 2018 2:42 pm