ESILV, Ranked No. 4 French Engineering Master Degree Program by Le Figaro


ESILV ranked 4th among 5-years engineering programs in France, the best engineering school in the Paris region according to Le Figaro Etudiant’s 2022 ranking of best French Engineering Schools.

Before you can make your mark on the world as an engineer, you need to find the Master’s degree in engineering that can best help you build your skills. Studying engineering in France can be an excellent opportunity to boost your CV while taking advantage of the beauty of the world’s number one tourist destination and enjoying “la vie à la française” in the City of Light.

Helping students to make their way through the French Engineering education system

With a plethora of offers in engineering studies, choosing the right degree and school can be a hustle, especially when you’re new to the French “Grande Ecole” kingdom.

Rankings are an excellent way to help you narrow your search when looking for top engineering schools in France.

So, each year, French media such as Le Figaro assess some 100+ schools of engineering which deliver the French title of “ingénieur diplômé (graduate engineer).

Rankings consider several institutional indicators that are publicly available, including academic excellence, international openness, and corporate relations performance.

ESILV earns top 4 spot in France’s best “post-baccalaureate” engineering programs

ESILV ranked higher than 25 top engineering schools which offer 5-years programs. Le Figaro pinpointed the results of De Vinci Higher Education’s Engineering School as a definite “beautiful performance” in 2022’s survey.

“The school has gained momentum by hiring five research faculty members in 2021, including four professors with habilitation to direct research.

In addition, we have developed our corporate chairs, with twelve of them and three newly created this year. Finally, another key to success, the school has some critical strategic collaborations with Sorbonne University and Georgia Tech in Atlanta”, said Pascal Pinot, dean of ESILV.

For full rankings, check the Le Figaro Etudiant’s website (French)


This post was last modified on 12 April 2023 4:10 pm

Categories: Admissions
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