Three Entrepreneur Projects from ESILV in Digital Health and Data Management, in the Finals of the Devinci Startup Day

Devinci’s Startup Day entrepreneurial pitch contest took place on March 10 at the Pôle Léonard de Vinci. Twelve early-stage startups competed for community support as well as for the votes of the jury. The jury shortlisted three projects led by ESILV engineering students in digital health and data management in the finals. Two of these projects won the first prizes: Freckly, AI-based diagnosis and Repos digital, managing a deceased person’s data.

Freckly and Repos digital have won two startup entry pass for Vivatech 2021 and funding for business startup costs by the Pole Leonard de Vinci.

The Devinci Startup Day, organised on March 10 by De Vinci Start-up, aimed to encourage all business aficionados – whether students, alumni, or participants from outside the Pole – embark on an entrepreneurial adventure.

Former students from the three schools – ESILV, EMLV and IIM – who have started their own business, were called upon to support the co-organisers: Maylis Gross, ESILV class 2016 and Julien Dudognon, EMLV class 2016, the two co-founders of Gopened and managers of De Vinci Start-Up, the business creation support structure of the Pole Leonard de Vinci.

Program of the De Vinci Startup Day :

17h30 | Welcome to the participants

18h – 19h | Round-table discussion: From student to successful entrepreneur: how to create the job of your dreams?

  • Steve Abou Rjeily, co-founder of Doctolib
  • Charlotte Appietto, founder of Posetadem.com
  • Matthieu Dallon, co-founder of Toornament.com & Trust-Esport Investor
  • Louis Marty, co-founder of Merci Handy

19h – 20h | Pitch contest for Pole’ de Vinci students entrepreneurs

12 startups in competition, three finalists, two winners

A one-minute pitch was a critical task for each of the 12 startups competing in the pitch contest. The 12 projects were carried out by students from the three schools of the Pole Leonard de Vinci. A jury, made up of representatives and experts from the partner structures, Moovjee, Pépite PON, POLD, Le Catalyseur, and Les Echos, selected three finalists.

M3D, tailor-made 3D-printed orthoses, finalist of the pitch contest

The project led by Adrien Lafargouette, Quentin Troubat, David Maziere, Clément Veaux, Saad Ghazzali and Arnaud Toma, all in their final year of engineering at ESILV, applies new 3D technologies to the medical field.

A one-minute pitch was a critical task for each of the 12 startups competing in the pitch contest. The 12 projects were carried by students from the three schools of the Pole Leonard de Vinci. A jury, made up of representatives and experts from the partner structures, for instance, Moovjee, Pépite PON, POLD, Le Catalyseur, Les Echos, selected three finalists.

M3D, tailor-made 3D-printed orthoses, finalist of the pitch contest

The project led by Adrien Lafargouette, Quentin Troubat, David Maziere, Clément Veaux, Saad Ghazzali and Arnaud Toma, all in their final year of engineering at ESILV, applies new 3D technologies to the medical field.

The Public’s Choice Award: Freckly, artificial intelligence at the service of medical diagnosis

Freckly, the startup founded by Maxence Raballand, Baptiste Florentin Benjamin Porterie, all in their second year, improves skin cancer prevention using AI-enhanced human professional diagnosis.

The Innovation Prize: Repos Digital, the management of dead people’s data

The jury made up of entrepreneurs, experts and business enthusiasts awarded its Innovation Prize to the startup “Repos digital”, founded by Kilian Weydert, a 5th-year student at ESILV. As an engineering student, Killian Weydert got concerned about the uses of digital data. Therefore he works with the families of deceased people to help them manage their digital afterlife.

Awards at stake

The two winners received prizes donated by the event’s partners:

  • The founding of business startup costs by Pole Leonard de Vinci
  • 1 ” startup ” entry pass for Vivatech 2021 (worth €245) donated by Vivatech
  • Acceptance into an acceleration program: orientation, guidance and contact with privileged partners (POLD Catalyst)
  • Personalised coaching by entrepreneurs, national Student-Entrepreneur status for 2020/2021; 1 thematic workshop-attendance as appropriate (French Pepite Pon network)
  • Pre-start-up coaching or mentorship; introduction to a successful entrepreneur in the market and a book, ” Dear young people, start your own business!”, offered by Moovjee

These initiatives are launched by ESILV students as part of industrial innovation projects in the 4th and 5th years of their Master’s degree in engineering. De Vinci Start-Up, the Pole Leonard de Vinci’s accelerator for startups, supports these student-entrepreneurs by providing them with an ecosystem made up of coaches, experts, entrepreneurs and investors.

This post was last modified on 29 July 2021 5:47 pm

Categories: Programmes
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