Product management has always been a job where you “fall” into the role by learning in the field and watching others perform. Even with all the training and coaching, it has been identified that the top factors driving product or service development superiority from start to finish and better team performance are the combinations of […]
It’s hype, it’s novel, it’s exciting, and it might change the world as we know it. 2021 was undoubtedly the year of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and it was also the year where non-fungible-tokens (NFTs), went truly mainstream.
Continuous development and lifelong learning have become the new normal for fresh and professional engineers as their work and diverse specializations revolve around public infrastructure and safety, a sustainable environment, a highly competitive economy, healthcare, and security.
If the past two years have proved anything, it is the importance of rapid adaptability when facing crisis and uncertainty. To prepare for 2022 and what it might hold, companies began accelerating their digital transformation and prioritizing specific technology trends.
Facing a crisis like the pandemic, engineering leadership teams had to rethink their plans and reorient their projects to ensure the safety of all concerned parties: employees and clients, without breaking the bond. Whether newly graduated or working professionals, engineers had some lesson or two to share.
Cybersecurity remains a significant challenge for the global economy. To help companies prevent and manage risks, ESILV engineering students are working on engineering projects aimed at creating tools to enhance cyber protection. Here is a closer look at three fourth-year projects conducted by the Class of 2022. 6 trillion dollars. That’s the estimated cost of […]
The “learning-by-doing” method inspires ESILV engineering students to design and give courses inspired by Capture the Flag challenges to their fellow students. One sure way of perfecting a skill is to start teaching about it. With this in mind, five students in their Fourth Year of ESILV Master’s in Engineering have designed a course on […]
Sometimes called the “mad scientists”, we found a beautiful yet accurate way of describing the role of creative technologists by dubbing them “the tech creatives driving projects into the future.”
To qualify as an ESILV engineer is to complete a high-level, general scientific and technological training program that uses digital technology, is internationally aware, and is true to the project-based teaching method. What is an ESILV engineer? To answer this question, the faculty members draw up a profile of a generalist engineer able to drive […]
Imagination and creativity have brought us transportation, energy, and so many things we sometimes take for granted. So why do we rarely correlate these traits with engineers who turn, on a daily basis, constraints into creative and innovative opportunities?
For the first time, the do it yourself DIY learning at the De Vinci Innovation Center is getting outside. The Creative Technology students had their first “radical learning” session in the heart of the Fontainebleu forest during a “Hummingbird in Space” bootcamp: four days to learn how to use satellites to take the most beautiful […]
Engineers are taking boardrooms by storm. Did you know that some of the top-performing CEOs worldwide probably have an engineering degree? Tech-driven CEOs have been the front lines of the world’s most famous companies and brands like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon. It all began with the simple fact of wanting to solve a specific […]