
Propose a project to our students

Innover, créer, entreprendre

In all the courses offered by ESILV, the emphasis is on practical implementation. We believe that the assimilation of knowledge is better if it is accompanied by a practical example. This is why we make students work on concrete “projects”.

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Undergraduate level projects


PIXs are scientific and technical projects whose objective is to help students progress over the years. The objective of the PIX1, in the first year of the integrated preparatory course, is to build an object according to a set of specifications. Each team is supervised by a mentor, from the teaching team, and a coach, a fourth-year engineering student.


The objective of the Imagination and Exploration Project, which takes place during the 2nd year of integrated preparation, is to design and produce an innovative product. In teams of 5 to 6, the engineering students work independently on a project for which they themselves have defined the subject on the basis of minimal constraints defined by the teaching staff.

Projects in Master Cycle


The PIIP project takes place in Year 3. It is an engineering contest between teams of 5 engineering students proposing and developing an innovative project.


The Industrial Innovation project takes place in the 4th year of the engineering school’s 5-year curriculum. Equivalent to around 100 hours, it involves a team of 2 to 6 students working on a concrete problem, usually proposed by a company or a research laboratory.

Learn more on PI²4

Graduation project – PI²5

The 5th year Industrial Innovation project: on themes proposed by the school’s partner companies, students work in small groups to develop an end-of-study project on a concrete problem. This 100-hour project should enable students to promote their work to the outside world and increase their visibility with companies.

Learn more on Graduation project – PI²5

Examples of projects

  • #PI²4 Creation of an Online Platform for Data Dissemination
    Python Program Development to Optimize the Profitability of Hydroelectric Structures
    #PI²4 Automation of Closing Inventory Tasks
    #PI²4 Smart Farming Mobile App
  • #PI²4 Creation of an ESG criteria assessment database
    #PI²4 Green City Mobile App
    #PI²4 Vision Measurements via Augmented Reality
    #PI²4 S&P500 Co-Index Replication Based on Co-integration
  • #PI²4 Clement Habitation Project
    #PI²4 Web application for the running of the Fashion Week
    Measuring and modelling the impact of contingent convertible bonds on financial stability
    Mean Reversion

Go to the project directory

Corporate Relations Contacts

Wilfried Hollet

Work-Study Program Coordination Manager

+33 1 81 00 29 15

Edouard Champion

Corporate Partnership Manager

+33 1 81 00 27 52
Linkedin Edouard Champion e-mail

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