Artificial Intelligence: Top 3 trends

AI is the grand title of the evolution of Big Data.  Analytics and artificial intelligence are no longer separate entities because it’s not just about collecting data but also acting on it with the support of the latest technologies.

Here are some of the most significant artificial intelligence trends that are affecting all industries internally and internationally with the suport of big tech companies that are investing a lot in artificial intelligence research.

Interactive Learning

More precisely “reinforcement learning”, a framework that uses experience-driven decision-making instead of traditional learning methids. This technique interacts with the environment to learn and move towards a goal that rewards the actions taken. Without the need to specify all the rules of the process, the algorithm learning from repeating the experience becomes better with repetition and allows exploring all possible options. A lot of industries began exploring the uses of this method, some of them are

  • Higher education for personalized teaching and learning systems.
  • Healthcare for treatment policies for chronic illnesses.
  • Finance for executing trades in the stock market. It is known to have increased the speed of the client orders that are executed at the best possible price.

Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing

To simplify the concept; quantum computers use quantum physics to compute calculations faster than any supercomputer today. Computers use bits and bytes, but unlike a regular computer, quantum computers use qubits (Quantum bits) to store information. And 2019 witnessed a lot of research based on quantum computers in order to create strategies to reduce the error rates to make meaningful computations possible. The problems tackled during research and trial phases revolved around the potential of solving deeply rooted issues such as climate change, space discoveries, and severe illnesses breakthroughs.

Facial Recognition


Fast technological advances in digitization and data and analytics have been reshaping the business scene while the innovation itself keeps on developing, acquiring new floods of advances in robotics, analytics, and artificial intelligence and particularly machine learning. Which is why, in order to fully grasp the imapct of this advancement, a formation in Computer Science, Big Data and Connected Objects will train computer engineers  to answer the evolution of any business’ strategic and technological needs and receive a specialized training in information systems, architecture of databases, mobility, and the application development.

Find out more about the master’s programme in engineering that is composed of two years of specialisation which are devoted to the construction of skills, according to the student’s choice.

Categories: Programmes
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