A “Limitless” TEDx organized at Pôle Léonard de Vinci

Pushing one’s own limits, improving oneself, going beyond one’s comfort zone… A TEDx was held at Pôle Léonard de Vinci on the theme “Limitless”. Seven speakers from different backgrounds followed one another for a speech not exceeding 18 minutes each.

TEDx conferences are organized independently of the TED organization. They aim to bring together communities such as Pôle Léonard de Vinci. The Association of the Pole, TEDx Club de Vinci, planned this event. A successful event, since the 100 available places have all been filled.

Why choosing the theme “Limitless”?

“The rigor always comes to the end of the obstacle”, said Leonardo da Vinci whose Pôle takes its name. Pushing the limits: this is how the wildest dreams of humanity came true.

Le TEDx “Limitless” est né d’une envie commune d’une équipe étudiante.

The TEX “Limitless” was born of a common desire of a student team.

The very objective of the pedagogy is to go beyond the acquis, so the limits of the students. With a focus on the entry into professional life.

These are the limits, which, paradoxically, comfort students. No limit, no hindrance, no guardrail. This TEDx explored material, psychological, ethical or physical limits. To understand the overcoming of limits is to explain one of the main vectors of civilization as it was built.

Organizing a TEDx, a real challenge for a team that knew how to overcome its limits.

The organization of such an event was a challenge for the entire team of the association. Two years of preparation, more and more intense, for a first at Pôle Léonard de Vinci. Spread out in small groups, the members have built a real team project.

“Setting up such a conference has taught us what our future employers will expect from us: contact with service providers, team management, respect for deadlines, pressure of the stakes “- Ferdinand Drapier, ESILV (Promo 2023)

What a source of satisfaction for all these students to see their project materialize! It is also thanks to the help of Pôle Léonard de Vinci and the support of Extia, MACSF and Cedarnet, present during the event, that the TEDx could be realized.

The choice of the speakers was diversified. Léa Youssef (ESILV, Promo 2021) and Paul Dos Santos (ESILV, Promo 2021), the co-presidents of the association, punctuated the speakers’ talks with brief thematic introductions. All the members can finally breathe. They think about the future TEDxPULV. “We will produce an improved edition, rich in our past experience.” – Ferdinand Drapier

A TEDx and guests with varied profiles

The seven speakers shared their ideas for more than two hours. But everyone had no more than 18 minutes to talk.

Sept speakers : normalien en astrophysique, petite fille d’agriculteur, entrepreneur, diplômé en Machine Learning, etc.

From 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

  • Talk 1 – Cyrielle Hariel: journalist and author, advocates for a more sustainable society, more equitable, more egalitarian. Her favorite subjects: ecology, sustainable development, social entrepreneurship, or fair trade.
  • Talk 2 – Julien Latouche: youngest runner-up of the French BFM Academie, and member from STATION F, he is 20 years old and manages a network of 500 partners lawyers in France. There is no age limit for doing business.
  • Talk 3 – Kenan Mujkanovic: Founder of an organization that teaches values of determination to young people from underprivileged backgrounds, he has received numerous awards. Coming from Kentucky for TEDxPULV, Kenan explains, through his story, that social class is not a limit to achieve one’s dream.
  • Talk 4 – Nesrine Ben Hassine: Doctor in machine learning, she integrated one of Estia’s areas of expertise: the DataLab. She works daily on various projects related to Data: Medicine, Marketing, HR, Energy Consumption … For her, data are unlimited.

From 8 pm to 9 pm

  • Talk 5 – Bruno Regaldo: Ecole Polytechnique graduate and doctoral student in astrophysics at the Laboratory of Physics of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, he spoke on the theme of Universe limits (cosmic microwave background).
  • Talk 6 – Camille Etienne: A young farmer born in a Savoyard hamlet, she completed a double degree course between Sciences Po Paris and La Sorbonne in philosophy. President of Amnesty International Sciences Po, she quickly understands the importance of agriculture in the climate emergency.
  • Talk 7 – Uwe Diegel: The man with many lives … He was first a pianist. Then when he was 26, he embarked on the business of new technologies applied to the medical field. He lives in Paris today where he is growing his company HealthWorks Global and LiheInA. Expert in the manufacture of medical devices on diabetes, asthma or blood pressure, he surfs the wave BigData and uses the data of the body to make them intelligible.


ESILV (Léonard de Vinci Graduate School of Engineering) is structured around digital sciences and technology and is divided into four major specialisations that include computer science, computational mechanics, finance, and energy. With small class sizes encouraging close peer-to-peer interaction, team projects, and international internships and opportunities, students receive a comprehensive, well-rounded education. ESILV is a member of the CGE, the UGEI, the CDEFI, and Campus France.

ESILV awards graduates the degree of “Diplôme d’Ingénieur” accredited by the “Commission des titres d’ingénieur (CTI)” which is the French accreditation body for engineering programmes and institutions. ESILV has the EURACE Master label.

This post was last modified on 29 July 2021 5:54 pm

Categories: Student Life
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