5 Ways Generation Z Impacts the Future of Engineering

Numerous engineering disciplines experienced fascinating transformations because of the Millennial generation. But it’s the creative thinking of generation Y that has permanently altered the workplace and its dynamics. It’s about time to get ready for a new talent pool and the changes they will bring to the industry now that generation Z is part of the engineering workforce.

With more members of this generation joining the workplace and changing how the sector is operating, here’s what to expect.

What Makes Gen Z So Different

Even though they are very close in age, Generation Z and Millennials have experienced very contras life events that have shaped their personalities in very different ways. This will also apply to how they act both inside and outside of the job. To start with, when it comes to achievement and completing goals, Millennials have a highly collaborative approach. Success, however, depends on competition and effort for Generation Z.

More Tech-Savvy

The internet and a wide range of technologies have allowed Gen Zers to literally grow up in a connected and borderless world.
As digital natives, Gen Zers are accustomed to using devices in every area of their lives, even their homes. These days, being adaptable is essential due to the rapidly evolving nature of technology and the unpredictable nature of the workplace.

Outspoken on diversity, equity, and inclusion

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are crucial for this generation of young engineers because they want to succeed in organizations and projects that are driving change from the front. Older project managers are right to assume that Gen Zers’ backgrounds and exposure to various viewpoints and environments played a role in how they think and how they would like to see thinking at their workplace. It entails working with individuals with differences in color, gender, age, identity, special needs, and sexual orientation.

Members of Gen Z are well-informed about and deeply involved in societal issues thanks to social media platforms that have influenced their thinking. They have organized social movements and collected support for causes that have brought about real change or increased awareness.

Mental Health and Work-Life Balance

It’s not surprising that Gen Zers are more likely to openly discuss their mental health even at work. Sharing experiences and opinions about self-care, and work-life balance with peers and even employers and the worldwide market they work in. has become somewhat more commonplace. In fact, Gen Z employees consistently prioritize their mental health and acknowledge challenges that might limit their ability to do their jobs especially when it comes to the technical and creative part of their job.

Higher Standards for What User Experiences Looks Like

Using deeper data and human-oriented product creation, most of which is being generated by Gen Z, the convergence of humans and technology will result in ever smarter cities and stronger UX design.

At ESiLV, courses in all disciplines, take into account the end user in the design of products or human-machine interfaces. The basic principles and classic methodologies will be studied, as well as the design of interaction, experience, and emotions, interface ergonomics, motion design and prototyping methodology, and UX design. 

Get the chance to share your passion, enhance, and experiment with your learning at ESiLV.

Categories: Programmes
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