5 Unique Jobs You Could Do With an Engineering Degree

We are all familiar with the traditional and typical engineering jobs and career paths you can pursue when you study engineering, but what if we told you that there are some exciting opportunities out there?

 If you’re looking for a unique engineering career that is on the rise and in high demand, then this list is just what you need.

Artificial Intelligence Engineer and Specialist

This sounds like a job title that did some time travelling and came straight from the future.

Simply explained, artificial intelligence AI specialists program computers to “think.” Certain AI specialists work in cognitive simulation for example, in which computers are used to test hypotheses about how the human mind works: like the computer’s ability to recognize a face would then be compared to a human’s ability.

In addition, most AI specialists work in applied AI where their goal is to program computer systems to recognize a fingerprint for security purposes, recognize voices, interpret information, solve problems, and speak in a humanlike voice.

The cool part is that there are a variety of routes for a specialist in this field to take, but one role for an AI specialist is to program computers to test hypotheses in relation to how the human mind works, through cognitive simulation.

If this is something you’re interested in, a degree in electrical, software engineering, or an engineering master’s in Data and Artificial Intelligence as well as IoT and Security are the perfect starting point.

Sustainable Architect

As we know by now, the heart of an engineer and architect’s work is their ethicsIf you’re in this field and find yourself environmentally aware and conscious, then you could actually have the perfect profile of a sustainable architect.

This role does not only sound distinctive but it truly is one of a kind and rarely heard of.  It involves overseeing the design and construction of buildings with a focus on the role a structure will play in its environment and communities. Your primary goal as a sustainable architect would be to create beautiful, financially-conscious, and comfortable buildings that don’t harm the environment in the long run.

With a bachelor’s degree in architecture or engineering, along with a master’s engineering specialty in Energy and Sustainable Cities you’ll get one step closer to that title.

The main goal of this Major is to train students capable of designing, developing, and governing Smart Buildings and Sustainable Cities.

Formula One Racing Engineer

We’re kicking it up a notch, full speed, with this twist. Believe it or not, this unique job is appealing to both men and women because of the full logistical and technical spectrum it offers. Fresh graduates can even start at a good level and progress to higher salaries in a very reasonable time frame.

If you’ve ever watched a Formula One race, you might have noticed the fast and smooth communication between racing engineers in the pit and the drivers. A couple of brief points about what they can also do:

  • They provide feedback and advice for the drivers, before, during, and after their race.
  • They decide on ways to improve speed efficiency.
  • They handle maintenance for optimal performance without jeopardizing the innovation.

The top soft skills required for this job are:

  • Quick thinking
  • Excellent communication skills
  • The ability to work well in a team
  • Excellent problem-solving skills

Blockchain Quality Engineer

Just like quality engineers are highly needed in every tech company, the same applies to blockchain quality engineers. Their jobs require in-depth knowledge of how blockchains work especially since their work dictates a different approach to test and solve quality issues within the system.

Blockchain quality engineers act as a final check to make sure the entire system meets the requirements.

Some main qualifications to keep in mind if you’re considering this career path:

  • Having detailed knowledge about various developments, concepts, and their implementations of blockchain.
  • Remaining up to date with recent blockchain-based technology developments and related technologies.
  • Possessing agility and attentiveness when doing quality analysis and preparing reports.
  • Adding the appropriate management and leadership skills to the list is always a plus.
  • Paying attention to not only the technology but also customer needs.

Blockchain UI Designer

If an application decides to integrate blockchain, it needs a clear interface design for users to interact with. The challenging task of designing the user interface for a blockchain application needs a blockchain UI designer to make it happen.

Their job is very critical as they make it easier for non-crypto users to adopt crypto products. If users do not understand how an aspect of a particular technology works, it might cause a bad UX – user experience.

The Fintech specialization of ESiLV’s Master’s degree opens up the world of engineers in becoming part of creating a new financial industry and deploying technology to improve financial activities.

This Major aims to train future engineers in all the innovative technologies (Machine Learning, Web services, Blockchain, etc), which are essential to evolve and reinvent the finance profession in these companies.

Ready to be called the cool engineer?


Categories: Professionnal
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