3 Reasons to Hire Millennial Engineers

Truth be told, technologies in engineering are not the only thing we should watch out for because millennial engineers have become a force to be reckoned with.

Many perceive millennial engineers as lazy and entitled, just like the rest of the Millenials. But we completely disagree as they have become a necessity to any type of business, especially engineering, with their creative minds and openness to technology and innovation. Here are 3 reasons to hire them:

Millennial Engineers Are up to Date on the Latest Technologies

Millennials are the first generation to experience only a post-digital and globalizing world. They not only grew up with social media but they have been interconnected with automation and IoT since their birth. They are also considered early adopters of technology.

Millennials are 2.5 times more likely to be early adopters of technology than older workers.

Hiring them will ensure leveraging the latest technologies that serve their workplace and the clients they’re developing projects for because they’re no hesitant when it comes to learning new technology: they embrace change rather than be reluctant.

They’re Self Sufficient

Young engineers live in the information age where answers lie in front of their faces. They actually engage with the technology around them to solve problems and save time by receiving their answers fast instead of referring to their bosses or coworkers at all times.

New Blood… Fresh Points of View

A new way of thinking is always needed to come up with solutions to today’s environmental, medical, technological, and societal problems. Millennial engineers are able to approach an organization’s processes and challenges with an open perspective. If given the opportunity, they’ll often question or challenge the status quo, which can act as a value to their team. In fact, younger employees have double the motivation to express their ideas because they don’t carry as much “experience baggage” as their older coworkers and fellow employees, which means they’re not as influenced by previous employment experiences and can more easily learn to fit into the new work culture. This automatically lifts up the workplace vibe and motivates team members to perform better.

How? Younger employees work at a high pace and with a lot of stamina in groups to accomplish their goals.

If some called Generation X “The Me Generation,” we might term Generation Y “The We Generation” for their heightened sense of community and peer-to-peer relationships.

What’s a Good Starting Point for Recruitment?

Career fairs are always a good starting point. The Devinci Career Fair organized by the Department of Corporate Partnerships and the student association DeVinci Partners, is an opportunity for both students and on-campus recruiters to get acquainted with one another, start a conversation about industry topics, and spot potential professional relationships in the future.

The career fair that is held every year allows students to work on their networking and pitching skills and also build up the courage to apply for internships or even receive a job offer in business, engineering or multimedia.

Take a look at the campus life inside ESiLV graduate school of engineering for the perfect example on how millenial engineers are defying all expectations and setting high standards.

Categories: Professionnal
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