Big Data : l’ESILV invitée du Tourism Studies Working Group, University of California, Berkeley

Gaël Chareyron, Saskia Cousin, et Sebastien Jacquot ont été invités à présenter leur travaux au sein de la prestigieuse université californienne.

Cette présentation intervient le 17 avril 2015, dans le cadre d’un colloque BIG DATA 2015 organisé par le Tourism Studies Working Group, University of California, Berkeley : http://www.tourismstudies.org/news_archive/BigData2015.htm


This presentation deals with the links between big data and tourism studies. For about 10 years now, drawing on their travel experiences, tourists have been using dedicated networks and social media sites to post comments, photographs and reviews, constituting vast amounts of data. So big data in tourism relies on the digital and volontary trails left by tourists on social networks such as Flickr, Panoramio, Tripadvisor, Hotel.com. Collecting automatically all these data (crawling), we develop inductive analysis based on cartographic, quantitative and text analysis research, to understand tourist circulations, communities, and ways of presenting experiences. We’ll discuss the types of knowledge and issues raised by this big data, from digital and humanities studies to internal and external critical approaches.

Our presentation interconnects computing sciences, anthropology, geography.

Speaker Bio:
Gaël Chareyron
was born in Valence, France. He received his Ph D. degree in computer science and image processing from University Jean Monnet in Saint-Etienne, France in 2005. Since 2006, he is professor in computer science at ESILV, Paris. Since 2010 is associate researcher at EIREST, Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne. His research topics include multimedia and security, computer vision, Big Data & data mining, social media & tourism.

Saskia Cousin is assistant professor of anthropology at the Center of cultural Anthropology (CANTHEL), Paris Descartes University. She developed a multi-sited ethnography in order to analyse relations between cultural tourism, heritage, politics and identity claims in France, and Benin (West Africa). In addition to her personal research, her aim has been to produce a French Anthropology of Tourism, thanks to ten years of leading a research seminar at the EHESS, the creation of an international research network and a wide range of collaborations. Since October 2012, she is member of Institut Universitaire de France, and develops researches in collaboration with colleagues in computer sciences.

Sebastien Jacquot is assistant professor in geography, in Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University, within IREST department (tourism studies). His studies deal with heritage and tourism, metropolitan suburbs and tourism, World Heritage Sites, informality and tourism, big data and tourism, and a political approach of tourism. He made researches in and around Paris, Valparaiso (Chile), Genoa (Italy), Liverpool, memory sites,   

Categories: Recherche
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